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NEH Institute materials

July 2017

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NEH lightning talk

On 2016-09-16, the NEH Office of Digital Humanities convened their annual Project Directors Meeting at NEH headquarters in Washington, DC. A highlight of this meeting is the popular “Lightning Round”, an opportunity for attendees to share a three-minute overview of their NEH-funded project. The lightning presentation for our Institute is available at

The slides are:

What is a digital scholarly edition?

More than just a reading text with notes and annotations (“silicon paper”)

The interface is scholarship, too

The interface must meet the goals of the edition

Why should scholars write code?

The target participant can edit in TEI but doesn’t know how to turn TEI into an edition (“How do I get rid of those angle brackets?”)

Research questions should dictate the tools, and not the reverse

How about collaboration?

Structure of the Institute

Week 1: Bootcamp (optional)

Week 2: Philcamp

Week 3: Pubcamp

Sustainable training (“learning to fish”)