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July 2017

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Week 1, Day 2: Tuesday, July 11


The second day of Week 1 starts with an introduction to regular expressions. From there, we build on the first day’s overview of the command line and expand our understanding of programs and files, introducing the use of variables and data pipelines.

Outcome goals

9:00–10:30: Regular expressions 1

What are regular expressions, and how can they improve our pattern-matching when dealing with an abundance of textual data?

Time Topic Type
15 min Review of previous day Discussion
15 min Why use regular expressions? Presentation
30 min Simple patterns Code lab
30 min Repetition Presentation

10:30–11:00: Coffee break

11:00–12:30: Command line 2

Time Topic Type
90 min The Software Carpentry activities associated with the Command line 2 session are: 3. Working with Files and Directories 4. Pipes and Filters Discussion

12:30–2:00: Lunch

2:00–3:30: Programs and files 2

We have a basic grasp of directory navigation, but what don’t we know about $PATH? How does our environment affect our file processing? How can we use commands and variables to manipulate files more efficiently?

Time Topic Type
20 min Variables and repeating things Discussion
30 min The environment and $PATH Presentation
30 min The locale and its effects Code lab
10 min Miscellaneous commands Presentation

3:30–4:00: Coffee break

4:00–5:30: Review

A recap of regular expressions, working in the command line, and file manipulation. What topics would benefit from additional clarifcation? What are you confused about? What would you like to know more about?

Time Topic Type
90 min Review and troubleshooting Discussion

We’ll end each day with a request for feedback, based on a general version of the day’s outcome goals, and we’ll try to adapt on the fly to your responses. Please complete Week 1, Day 2 feedback (just copy and paste it into a plain-text document) and email your response to Kaylen at with the subject heading “Week 1, Day 2 feedback”.