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July 2022

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Building a title list with XQuery

Day 03 Session 03 slot 02 Hoax data.

Step 1: XQuery version declaration and initial comment

xquery version "3.1";

 : Building on day 02 we go forward with the model to produce a title listing


Step 2: Declare the namespaces we know we need

  1. Hoax namespace
  2. Hoax model namespace
  3. TEI namespace
declare namespace hoax = "";
declare namespace hoax-model = "";
declare namespace tei = "";

Step 3: Declare the variables we know we want

  1. Get some parameters from the request (new term!) for building the $path-to-data, e.g. $exist:root and $exist:controller
  2. And the familiar from yesterday $path-to-data, $articles-coll and $articles
declare variable $exist:root as xs:string := 
    request:get-parameter("exist:root", "xmldb:exist:///db/apps");
declare variable $exist:controller as xs:string := 
    request:get-parameter("exist:controller", "/pr-app");
declare variable $path-to-data as xs:string := 
    $exist:root || $exist:controller || '/data';
(: Cf day 2
 : declare variable $path-to-data as xs:string := '/db/data'; 
declare variable $articles-coll := collection($path-to-data || '/hoax_xml');
declare variable $articles as element(tei:TEI)+ := $articles-coll/tei:TEI;

Step 4: Decide one or two things in our model

  1. For the listing of titles, we call the framgment element hoax-model:titles
  2. for the titles, we call the title elements hoax-model:title
  3. Let us use a FLWOR to create this fragment in the Hoax model namespace
  4. But, firstly, what is our data: With XPath take the tei:title in the tei:titleStmt
            $articles//tei:titleStmt/tei:title ! fn:string(.)

Step 5: The title


            $article//tei:titleStmt/tei:title ! fn:string(.)

Step 6: The full titles fragment


    for $article in $articles 
            $article//tei:titleStmt/tei:title ! fn:string(.)

Step 7: The result of the query

Our title listing in the Hoax model namespace

<hoax-model:titles xmlns:hoax-model="">
    <hoax-model:title>The Ghost of Hammersmith</hoax-model:title>
    <hoax-model:title>Police Column: Yesterday The Lord Mayor...</hoax-model:title>
    <hoax-model:title>A Ghost at Hull</hoax-model:title>
    <hoax-model:title>A Substantial Ghost Story</hoax-model:title>
    <hoax-model:title>Another Ghost!</hoax-model:title>
    <hoax-model:title>Another Ghost</hoax-model:title>
    <hoax-model:title>A Ghost Caught</hoax-model:title>
    <hoax-model:title>A Pomeranian Ghost</hoax-model:title>
    <hoax-model:title>The Ghost of the Cock Lane Ghost</hoax-model:title>
    <hoax-model:title>Another Stockwell Ghost Case</hoax-model:title>
    <hoax-model:title>Notwithstanding our repeated publications...</hoax-model:title>
    <hoax-model:title>The Ghost Laid</hoax-model:title>
    <hoax-model:title>The Bermondsey Ghost</hoax-model:title>
    <hoax-model:title>The New Hammersmith Ghost</hoax-model:title>
    <hoax-model:title>Nelson's Ghost</hoax-model:title>
    <hoax-model:title>Ghost Cut Ghost</hoax-model:title>
    <hoax-model:title>Not Dead, or No Ghost</hoax-model:title>
    <hoax-model:title>Hammersmith Ghost</hoax-model:title>
    <hoax-model:title>A Ghost</hoax-model:title>
    <hoax-model:title>A ghost, a bear, or a devil</hoax-model:title>
    <hoax-model:title>The New Hammersmith Ghost</hoax-model:title>
    <hoax-model:title>Science: A new Ghost</hoax-model:title>
    <hoax-model:title>Park Ghost</hoax-model:title>
    <hoax-model:title>Resuscitation of The Hammersmith Ghost</hoax-model:title>
    <hoax-model:title>The Ghost</hoax-model:title>
    <hoax-model:title>Thoughts On Seeing Ghosts</hoax-model:title>
    The Hampstead Ghost? Legal Proceedings against the Police</hoax-model:title>
    A Black Ghost on the London and Birmingham Railway</hoax-model:title>
    Fears of a Ghost, and the Fatal Catastrophe</hoax-model:title>
    <hoax-model:title>A Ghost! A Ghost!</hoax-model:title>
    <hoax-model:title>The New Hammersmith Ghost</hoax-model:title>
    <hoax-model:title>All the world...</hoax-model:title>
    <hoax-model:title>Another Ghost Case: The Prestidigitateur</hoax-model:title>
    <hoax-model:title>Tom Paine's Ghost</hoax-model:title>
    <hoax-model:title>A Ghost</hoax-model:title>
    <hoax-model:title>Park Ghost</hoax-model:title>

Step 8: Rinse and repeat

  1. Are there restictions in the model or are we done?
  2. Maybe change default ordering?
    for $article in $articles
    let $title := $article//tei:titleStmt/tei:title ! fn:string(.)
    order by $title