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July 2022

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Examine indexes and profiles in Monex

Day 04 Session 01 slot 02

Walkthrough of Monex.

  1. Open Monex
  2. Monitoring
  3. Profiling (also more later)
  4. Indexes

Query 1: Wew will use the query from day 3.

xquery version "3.1";

 : Building on day 02 we go forward with the model to produce a title listing

declare namespace hoax = "";
declare namespace hoax-model = "";
declare namespace tei = "";

declare variable $exist:root as xs:string := request:get-parameter("exist:root", "xmldb:exist:///db/apps");
declare variable $exist:controller as xs:string := request:get-parameter("exist:controller", "/pr-app");
declare variable $path-to-data as xs:string := $exist:root || $exist:controller || '/data';
(: Cf day 2
 : declare variable $path-to-data as xs:string := '/db/data'; 
declare variable $articles-coll := collection($path-to-data || '/hoax_xml');
declare variable $articles as element(tei:TEI)+ := $articles-coll/tei:TEI;

(:   :$articles//tei:titleStmt/tei:title ! fn:string(.) :)

    for $article in $articles 
            $article//tei:titleStmt/tei:title ! fn:string(.)

Query 2: Another query for reetrieving a specific article

xquery version "3.1";

 : Building on day 02 and day 03 title listing we can also retrieve a specific article.

declare namespace hoax = "";
declare namespace hoax-model = "";
declare namespace tei = "";

declare variable $exist:root as xs:string := request:get-parameter("exist:root", "xmldb:exist:///db/apps");
declare variable $exist:controller as xs:string := request:get-parameter("exist:controller", "/pr-app");
declare variable $path-to-data as xs:string := $exist:root || $exist:controller || '/data';
(: Cf day 2
 : declare variable $path-to-data as xs:string := '/db/data'; 
declare variable $articles-coll := collection($path-to-data || '/hoax_xml');
declare variable $articles as element(tei:TEI)+ := $articles-coll/tei:TEI;

 : get the values of query parameters
declare variable $id as xs:string? := request:get-parameter('id', "GH-BLNPS-18040106");
declare variable $term as xs:string? := request:get-parameter('term', ());

 : Locate auxiliary data
declare variable $places-doc := doc($path-to-data || '/aux_xml/places.xml');
declare variable $persons-doc := doc($path-to-data || '/aux_xml/persons.xml');

 : Retrieve specific article using the id or none if failed
declare variable $article as element(tei:TEI)? := 
    [ft:query(., $term, map{'fields':('word-count','formatted-publisher', 'formatted-date')})];

if ($article) then (: test for $article, not $id, because $id could be present but incorrect :)
        {$article => util:expand() (: $article is a full TEI document in tei namespace :) }
            <hoax-model:publisher>{ft:field($article, 'formatted-publisher')}</hoax-model:publisher>
            <hoax-model:date>{ft:field($article, 'formatted-date')}</hoax-model:date>
            <hoax-model:word-count>{ft:field($article, 'word-count')}</hoax-model:word-count>
                (: alphabetized distinct values of ghost references, with counts :)
                for $ghost-refs as xs:string* in ($article/descendant::tei:rs/@ref)[contains(., 'ghost')]
                group by $ref := $ghost-refs
                order by $ref
                return <hoax-model:ghost-reference>{concat($ref, ' (', count($ghost-refs), ')')}</hoax-model:ghost-reference>
                (: TODO: Create field to avoid having to navigate the leading hash :)
                for $place in $places-doc//tei:place
                    [@xml:id = $article//tei:placeName[starts-with(@ref, '#')]/@ref ! substring(., 2)]
                return (: hoax:get-place-info($place) :) ()
                for $person in $persons-doc//tei:person[@xml:id = 
                        $article//tei:persName/@ref[starts-with(., '#')] 
                        ! substring(., 2)]
                return (: hoax:get-person-info($person) :) ()

Step 3: Further exploration