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NEH Institute materials

July 2022

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Enhancing the title list model

Day 07 Session 01 slot 01 Hoax data.

Step 1: Checkout week 2 day 2 (= day7) repo URLs

Choose the one for your method:

While in the terminal, show some shell variables

Adding more from the titleStmt

Wrap them in respStmt inside titleStmt element

The code after enhancement

xquery version "3.1";
 : Enhancing the titles listing

 : Declare namespaces
declare namespace m = "";
declare namespace tei = "";

 : Declare variables for path-to-data
declare variable $exist:root as xs:string := 
    request:get-parameter("exist:root", "xmldb:exist:///db/apps");
declare variable $exist:controller as xs:string := 
    request:get-parameter("exist:controller", "/06-controller");
declare variable $path-to-data as xs:string := 
    $exist:root || $exist:controller || '/data';

 : Declare some more variables
                for $article in $articles 
                                $article/descendant::tei:titleStmt/tei:title ! string()
                for $resp-name in $article/descendant::tei:titleStmt/tei:respStmt/tei:name 
                return <m:respStmt>
                                $resp-name ! string()
                                $resp-name/preceding-sibling::tei:resp ! string()