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July 2022

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Enhancing titles to link to reading views

Get the xml:id of the article into the model

Edit titles.xql to read:

    for $article in $articles 
        <m:title xml:id="{$article/@xml:id}">{ 
            $article/descendant::tei:titleStmt/tei:title ! string()

Run in the browser as:


Output should include lines like:

<m:title xml:id="GH-TIMES-18300708">The Bermondsey Ghost</m:title>
<m:title xml:id="GH-GNCCO-18581204">A Ghost Caught</m:title>
<m:title xml:id="GH-19CUK-18250130">The New Hammersmith Ghost</m:title>

Translate the new model information into the view

Edit titles-to-html.xql to read:

    for $title in $data/descendant::m:title
    order by $title
    return <li><a href="read?id={$title/@xml:id}">{$title ! string()}</a></li>

Run in browser as:


Titles should be clickable links. Click on one to read the article.