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NEH Institute materials

July 2022

Home | Call | Admin | Week 1 | Week 2 | References | Slides | App development

Create a main page

We’ve configured the controller to load index.xql if no page is specified. At the moment it doesn’t create a proper main page, so let’s create

Create the model for the main page

Create index.xql inside modules and copy the following text into it:

xquery version "3.1";
Declare namespaces
declare namespace m="";
Declare global variables to path
declare variable $exist:root as xs:string :=
    request:get-parameter("exist:root", "xmldb:exist:///db/apps");
declare variable $exist:controller as xs:string :=
    request:get-parameter("exist:controller", "/06-controller");


Create the view for the main page

Create index-to-html.xql inside views and paste the following into it:

xquery version "3.1";
declare namespace m="";

declare namespace output = "";
declare option output:method "xhtml";
declare option output:media-type "application/xhtml+xml";
declare option output:omit-xml-declaration "no";
declare option output:html-version "5.0";
declare option output:indent "no";
declare option output:include-content-type "no";

declare variable $text := request:get-data(); (:this variable allows the pipeline to work:)

<html xmlns="">
        <h1>Things to do</h1>
            for $item in $text/descendant::m:module
            return <li><a href="{$item}">{$item}</a></li>