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July 2022

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Find all the TEI elements used / attribute values used / etc

Day 07 Session 04 slot 02->03 Hoax data.

Building on the previous known structure

We follow the pattern of adding a few new things to our already well known query structure.

New 1: Declare default collation (for your information, for next steps)

(: New declaration for the institute: :)
declare default collation ";strength=primary;decomposition=standard";

New 2: Optional second argument on how to do the comparison with distinct-values()

(: Note the optional second argument on how to do the comparison :)
let $element-names-d := distinct-values($element-names, 

Alternative 0: Get all elements (most frequent = p)

 let $elements := $articles/descendant-or-self::tei:*

Alternative 1: Get all attributes (most frequent = @ref)

(: for all attributes: :) 
let $elements := $articles/descendant-or-self::tei:*/attribute()

Alternative 2: Get all line groups (count = 15)

(: for all lg elements: :) 
let $elements := $articles/descendant-or-self::tei:lg

List the elements in use in different ordering

    (: (<doc-order>{$element-names-d}</doc-order>, 
        <alpha-order>{$alpha-sorted-names}</alpha-order> :) 

The full code for elements and attributes, or line groups only

xquery version "3.1";
 : elements, counting etc

 : Declare namespaces
declare namespace m = "";
declare namespace tei = "";
declare namespace svg="";

(: New declaration for the institute: :)
declare default collation ";strength=primary;decomposition=standard";

 : Declare variables
declare variable $exist:root as xs:string := 
    request:get-parameter("exist:root", "xmldb:exist:///db/apps");
declare variable $exist:controller as xs:string := 
    request:get-parameter("exist:controller", "/06-controller");
declare variable $path-to-data as xs:string := 
    $exist:root || $exist:controller || '/data';
 : Declare some more variables
declare variable $articles-coll := collection($path-to-data || '/hoax_xml');
declare variable $articles as element(tei:TEI)+ := $articles-coll/tei:TEI;
declare variable $aux-coll := collection($path-to-data || '/aux_xml');
declare variable $persons as element(tei:listPerson)+ := $aux-coll/tei:TEI//tei:listPerson;

(: for all attributes: let $elements := $articles/descendant-or-self::tei:*/attribute() :)
(: for all lg elements: let $elements := $articles/descendant-or-self::tei:lg :)
let $elements := $articles/descendant-or-self::tei:*
let $element-names := $elements/name()
(: Note the optional second argument on how to do the comparison :)
let $element-names-d := distinct-values($element-names, 
(: Not the covention of anonymous variable, for only ordering, could just as well be   :)
let $alpha-sorted-names := for $_ in $element-names-d order by $_ return $_
    (: (<doc-order>{$element-names-d}</doc-order>, 
        <alpha-order>{$alpha-sorted-names}</alpha-order> :)
    for $element in $element-names-d 
    let $count := count(index-of($element-names, $element))
    order by $count descending

Your own extensions