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July 2022

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Getting started with SVG

The Y axis is upside down

X and Y positions default to 0,0

<svg xmlns="" width="300" height="300">
    <circle r="100" fill="blue"/>

Eek! Where’s the rest of the circle?

Use the viewBox attribute to move the image

  1. Spell viewBox correctly!
  2. The viewBox attribute takes four whitespace-separated values:
    1. minX (leftmost X position)
    2. minY (topmost Y position)
    3. width (always positive)
    4. height (always positive)

Draw where the arithmetic is easy and move with viewBox:

<svg xmlns="" width="300" height="300"
    viewBox="-50 -50 100 100">
    <circle r="100" fill="blue"/>

Bar chart with heights of 50, 35, and 15

Drawing it in positive space (lower right quadrant) makes for odd arithmetic:

<svg xmlns="" width="300" height="300">
    <rect x="0" y="50" height="50" width="20" fill="blue"/>
    <rect x="30" y="65" height="35" width="20" fill="red"/>
    <rect x="60" y="85" height="15" width="20" fill="green"/>

Eek! Where did 65 and 85 come from?

For easier arithemtic, draw in the upper right quadrant

Use negative Y values with matching positive heights, so that all bars grow down to the y=0 position …

<svg xmlns="" width="300" height="300">
    <rect x="0" y="-50" height="50" width="20" fill="blue"/>
    <rect x="30" y="-35" height="35" width="20" fill="red"/>
    <rect x="60" y="-15" height="15" width="20" fill="green"/>

Now the 35 bar has only 35 (no 65) and 15 has only 15 (not 85), but …

… this won’t be visible until we move it down with viewBox:

<svg xmlns="" width="300" height="300"
    viewBox="0 -100 100 100">
    <rect x="0" y="-50" height="50" width="20" fill="blue"/>
    <rect x="30" y="-35" height="35" width="20" fill="red"/>
    <rect x="60" y="-15" height="15" width="20" fill="green"/>

viewBox can scale an image