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NEH Institute materials

July 2022

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Participant editions

Week 2, Day 5: Friday, July 22, 2022;
Session 3 and 4.


Presenting to the whole group your application of Institute concepts in your own edition, discussing the choices you made in your editorial workflow and how these choices translate to your interface, visualizations, and edition features.

Presenting your edition

Prepare a five minute presentation about your edition.

Suggested topics:

You could

  1. present (your ideas about) your edition as a whole,
  2. share your reflections on what your learned this week and how it relates to the plans for your edition (following the morning session with Gabi),
  3. focus on one particular aspect of your edition that is related to a topic we discussed in the past two weeks.

Aspects of your edition you can focus on:

Suggested means of presentation: