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July 2022

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Installing required software


This page decribes how to install the software we will use during the Institute. Please install as any of the packages as you can before you arrive, but should you run into any problems, we’ve allocated time on the first day of the Institute to ensure that everyone’s installations are up to date.

Instructions for MacOS users

General installation guidelines

  1. Because some of the packages below depend on other packages, you will need to install them in the specified order.
  2. Except where we specify otherwise, install everything as a regular user (don’t use sudo—and don’t worry about what sudo is if you don’t already know).
  3. When prompted to upgrade any of these packages except node (but including npm and nvm), accept the prompt.

Install homebrew

Homebrew is a package manager for MacOS, that is, an application that helps you install other applications. Read About Homebrew. Unless you have XCode installed previously this step will require sudo access and ask for your password. Install homebrew with:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Install eXist-db

Verify that you have Java installed by opening the Terminal (Finder → Applications → Utilities → Terminal, or use “Spotlight search” by typing Cmd+Space and then typing “terminal”) and typing java -version. If you get an error message to the effect that Java is not installed, open and follow the prompts to download the recommended Java version.

Once you’ve confirmed that Java is installed, install the current stable version of eXist-db from We recommend the .dmg version for MacOS users.

NB! Before installing the “Shakespeare’s Plays (TEI Publisher Edition)” (short name shakespeare-pm) also install the package “Open API Router library for eXist” (short name oas-router). Go to the package manager in eXist-db E.g. http://localhost:8198/exist/apps/dashboard/admin. Make sure to login to see the package manager. Click Available (NN) and put “rout” in filter upper right.

NB! eXist-db is running even if you close the browser window. Don’t start it from the dock again to open eXide (or any other app), just open a new tab in brower with e.g. http://localhost:8080/exist/apps/eXide/.

Install git

Type git at the command line. If it isn’t installed, accept the prompt to install the Xcode command line tools (this installation may take a long time).

Install vscode and the existdb-vscode module

  1. Run brew install --cask vscode or install from
  2. For existdb-vscode do one of the following:

Install npm and nvm

  1. Install npm (node package manager) with brew install npm (In case this does not find any npm package to install, try brew install nodejs.commandline)
  2. Install nvm (node version manager) with brew install nvm. (Why? nvm lets you install and choose among different node releases, and Yeoman requires node v. 14, which is not the most recent version.)
  3. Don’t skip this step! Run brew info nvm and follow the “caveats” instructions.
  4. Install node v. 14 with nvm install 14.
  5. Activate node v. 14 with nvm use 14. (This command persists only in a single shell, which is what you want, but it means that you have to run again each time you launch a new shell.)

Install yeoman for eXist-db

  1. npm i -g yo
  2. npm i -g @existdb/generator-exist

You then can run it with:

  1. yo @existdb/exist to scaffold an app.

Install ant

  1. brew install ant

Instructions for Windows users

General installation guidelines

  1. Unless otherwise specified, in order to install packages from the command line you should first launch Windows PowerShell or Git Bash as Administrator (this is an elevated command prompt).
  2. Because some of the packages below depend on other packages, you will need to install them in the specified order.
  3. Except where we specify otherwise, install everything as a regular user (don’t use sudo—and don’t worry about what sudo is if you don’t already know).
  4. When prompted to upgrade any of these packages except node (but including npm and nvm), accept the prompt.

Install Chocolatey

Chocolatey is a package manager for Windows, that is, an application that helps you install other applications.

  1. Read about Chocolatey and What is PowerShell? to learn about these two packages.
  2. Verify that you have Windows PowerShell installed by searching for it through the Windows Start menu. If not, install Windows PowerShell.
  3. Search for PowerShell through the Windows Start menu, right click on it, and select Run as administrator. Click Yes when asked whether you want to allow PowerShell to make changes to your device.
  4. Follow the Chocolatey installation instructions for individual use.

Install eXist-db

  1. Verify that you have Java installed by opening Windows PowerShell or Git bash and typing java -version. If you get an error message to the effect that Java is not installed, navigate to OpenJDK and from this general download site select Java version 8, Windows operating system, x86 64-bit architecture, and JDK Java package.
  2. Install the current stable version of eXist-db from We recommend downloading exist-installer-6.0.1.jar. Once you’ve downloaded it, run it by opening a shell (terminal) in your Downloads directory and running java -jar exist-installer-6.0.1.jar. If you are given the option of installing eXist-db “as a service”, decline that option.
  3. You will know that the installation has been successful if, after following all prompts, the eXist-db launcher opens when you navigate to http://localhost:8080/ in your browser.
  4. If you are having trouble getting eXist-db to run:
    • Uninstall eXist-db.
    • Make sure that you have OpenJDK installed. From this general download site select Java version 8, Windows operating system, x86 64-bit architecture, and JDK Java package.
    • Reinstall eXist-db and verify that it launches successfully.
  5. If eXist-db still will not run, follow the troubleshooting instructions or advanced installation guide.

  6. Before installing the “Shakespeare’s Plays (TEI Publisher Edition)” (short name shakespeare-pm) also install the package “Open API Router library for eXist” (short name oas-router). Go to the package manager in eXist-db E.g. http://localhost:8198/exist/apps/dashboard/admin. Make sure to login to see the package manager. Click Available (NN) and put “rout” in filter upper right.

NB! eXist-db is running even if you close the browser window. Don’t start it from the dock again to open eXide (or any other app), just open a new tab in brower with e.g. http://localhost:8080/exist/apps/eXide/.

Install git

Type git at the command line. If it isn’t installed, type choco install git. This will also install Git Bash. From now on, instead of using PowerShell, you will use Git Bash as your command line interface. (Important: Remember to launch Git Bash as Administrator when installing anything. You can do that by navigating to Git Bash in the Windows Start menu, right clicking, and selecting Run as administrator.)

Install vscode + existdb-vscode module

  1. Check if vscode is already on your machine by typing code --version at the command line.
  2. If not, make sure Git Bash has been launched as administrator and then type choco install vscode.
  3. Install existdb-vscode from

Install npm and nvm

  1. Install npm (node package manager) with choco install npm.
  2. Install nvm (node version manager) with choco install nvm. (Why? nvm lets you install and choose among different node releases, and Yeoman requires node v. 14, which is not the most recent version.)
  3. Important: Restart Git Bash.
  4. Install node v.14 with nvm install 14. The installation will show you the full number of the version (for example, v14.19.1 instead of v14). Write down the full version number and save it for future use.
  5. Activate node v.14 with nvm use 14.19.1 (or the full version number you saved from the previous step). (This command persists only in a single shell, which is what you want, but it means that you have to run it again each time you launch a new shell).

If at any point you have issues using npm or nvm, check your Program Files directory for a nodejs subdirectory and delete that directory. Instructions for this remedy are available at in the solution given by the user “pleverett”.

Install yeoman for eXist-db

  1. npm i -g yo
  2. npm i -g @existdb/generator-exist

You then can run it with:

  1. yo @existdb/exist to scaffold an app.

Install ant

  1. choco install ant

If ant is not found after successful installation, try:

  1. choco install -y -f ant --package-parameters="/User" to relocate it.