XQuery for Humanists
This page provides suggestions for further reading in XQuery for Humanists about topics that we have covered in the Institute.
Day 1
- Research questions and choosing our technologies (Day 1, Session 1) - Chapter 1: Why XQuery for Humanists
- Initial stages: TEI XML (base view), exploring with XPath, and exploratory data analysis (EDA) with Shakespeare (Day 1, Session 2) - Chapter 3: Reviewing XML and Related Standards and Chapter 4: Finding Your Way Around with XPath
- Selecting your tools and software installation best practices (Day 1, Session 3) - Chapter 2: Setting up Your XQuery Environment (maybe be helpful if you are using oXygen)
- Exploratory data analysis in eXide (Shakespeare data) (Day 1, Session 4) - Chapter 5: XQuery Basics
Day 2
- XQuery: introduce FLWOR (Ghost Hoax data) (Day 2, Session 2) - Chapter 5.3: FLWOR Expressions
- XQuery: practice FLWOR (Shakespeare data) (Day 2, Session 3) - Chapter 5.3: FLWOR Expressions
Day 3
- Building a title list with XQuery: Plan goals, pipeline, and find the data (Day 3, Session 2) - Chapter 6: Next Steps with XQuery and Chapter 13.1.2: Databases
- Building a title list with XQuery: Create the model, part 2: construct model in model namespace (Day 3, Session 3) - Chapter 6: Next Steps with XQuery and Chapter 13.1.2: Databases
Day 4
- Databases have at minimum data and a method of querying that data (Day 4, Session 1) - Chapter 5.3.6: Grouping Results
Day 5
Day 7
- Adapt the view to the model using typeswitch (Day 7, Session 1) - Chapter 8.4.1. Transforming Data with Recursive Typeswitch
- Using regular expressions to clean and encode our data (Day 7, Session 4) - Chapter 10.1.2. Regular Expressions
- GEOJSON for maps (Day 7, Session 4) - Chapter 7.2. Maps and Arrays
Day 8
- Creating SVG visualizations for the edition (Day 8, Session 2) - Chapter 7.2. Maps and Arrays
- Creating the model as tab-separated values (TSV) using XQuery (Day 8, Session 3) - Chapter 12.2 XQuery and CSV
Day 10
- Why not XSLT? Can I use XSLT? (Day 10, Session 2) - Chapter 12.3 XQuery and XSLT