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NEH Institute materials

July 2022

Home | Call | Admin | Week 1 | Week 2 | References | Slides | App development

Before you arrive

Travel reimbursement

The Institute will reimburse travel expenses for participants up to the ceiling prices we communicated earlier. Here is some additional information:

  1. In order to reimburse ticket costs you will need to provide an itemized receipt that outlines the flight plan, taxes, and any fees associated with the ticket purchase. The receipt must also include the last four digits of the card used to charge the purchase. You do not need to provide boarding passes. Please submit all receipts in PDF format.
  2. All flights must observe NEH Fly America requirements.
  3. We will reimburse mileage costs for use of your personal car at the official GSA rate that is in place at the time of the travel.

Software installation

Before you arrive please install the software we will use during the Institute. We have allocated time during the first day to ensure that participants are able to install all software successfully, so don’t worry if you get stuck, but anything that you can install ahead of time will help us move on to using the software more quickly.

Command line tutorial

Prior knowledge of or experience with the command line is not required, but we encourage participants who are new to the command line environment to work through the SW Carpentry’s Tutorial on the Unix Shell. (Despite the name this tutorial is not Unix-specific. MacOS users should use the MacOS terminal or an alternative (we use and recommend iTerm2); Windows users should use Git Bash (not PowerShell or the regular Windows command shell).