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NEH Institute materials

July 2022

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Presentations slides for the sessions

This folder contains PDF or markdown versions of all presentation slides.

Available slides

Day 1 (Monday of Week 1)

Day 2 (Tuesday of Week 1)

Day 3 (Wednesday of Week 1)

Day 4 (Thursday of Week 1)

Day 5 (Friday of Week 1)

Day 6 (Monday of Week 2)

Day 7 (Tuesday of Week 2)

Day 8 (Wednesday of Week 2)

Day 9 (Thursday of Week 2)

Day 10 (Friday of Week 2)

Information for instructors

  1. If you upload source files (e.g., PowerPoint), put them into the sources subdirectory.
  2. Filenaming convention is dayNN_sessionNN_author_title-without-spaces.pdf (see notes and examples below).

Notes about filenaming, with example